Self-defense for women


The i-defense concept focuses on women’s opportunities and has the aim of empowering them, so that they no longer regard themselves as victims and stand their ground against potential assailants.


Martial Arts Academy i-defense Essen offers an innovative concept for self-defense which is ideal for women. It is the central idea of this training program to teach the most effective techniques by improving one’s reflexes – there are no complicated patterns and combinations as are often practiced in other schools/courses because reality looks different. Practicing your reflexes helps to avoid surprises and takes the physical possibilities of women into consideration. This program conveys effective techniques, improves your fitness and your mental power.


Alfons Pinders, head of i-defense Essen, whose concept of self-defense and self-assertion has already been realized in many different institutions, developed this cross-training (x-defense). It is based on functional techniques (especially for women) resembling the philosophy of the Israeli Krav-Maga. Women-defense offers opportunities to defend yourself against attacks and intimidation.

Courses: see schedule