
  1. Nadja Nihela
    Nadija Nehila
    Background: Karate, Tai Chi, Yoga
    --> Exercise Therapy

  2. Helge Hermann
    Helge Hermann
    Background: Karate, Kick – Boxing, Fitness Instructor
    --> Master of Sport Science, Teacher

  3. Boris Bäck
    Boris Bäck
    Background: Karate, Kick – Boxing, Wing Tsun, Savate
    --> Teacher

  4. Robin Bäck
    Robin Bäck
    Background : Karate, Kick – Boxing

  5. Tiran Mkrtschian
    Tiran Mkrtschian
    Background: Boxing, Thai – Boxing, Kick – Boxing
    --> Boxing :  e.g. County and State Champion, Olympic Hope

  6. Sven Scheding
    Sven Scheding
    Background: Karate, Fitness - Instructor

  7. Boris Popov
    Boris Popov
    Background : Karate
    --> Physician

  8. Dilek Tezgah
    Dilek Tezgah
    Background: Karate, Judo, Iaido
    --> Kindergarten teacher

  9. Anita van de Sand
    Anita van de Sand
    Background: Karate, Tai Chi
    --> Assistant Medical Tecnician

  10. Astrid Büchert
    Astrid Büchert
    Background: Karate, Tai Chi, Taekwon - do
    Assistant Medical Tecnician

  11. Gerrit Jogschies
    Gerrit Jogschies
    Background: Karate, Taekwon - do, Crossdefense

  12. Simao Beli
    Simao Beli
    Background: Taekwon - do, Kick – Boxing, Crossdefense
    --> Thaibox - Aerobic - Instructor, Taekwondo competitor e.g. Netherland Open
    Champion 2006

Sensei Alfons Pinders

Founder Martial Arts Academy i – defense

Alfons PindersHis father was a boxing instructor. His brothers were boxers and Judokas. At the age of 13 he started practicing Karate and at the age of 17 he added Kick-Boxing and Thai-Boxing. He was a successful competitor in different weight categories. Numerous trips to Asia, the USA, and other European countries gave him the opportunity to study under competent and well known instructors. Sensei Pinders has dedicated himself to the in-depth study of Martial Arts which includes elements of a non-physical level. He has developed self-defense concepts for several institutions, which has been applied successfully.